
By wanderingsailor

The Goldsmith

Balan and his family live in a house in the coconut groves behind Rosi and Nazir's house. We were invited to eat lunch with them today. The food was delicious and served on banana leaves. It's fun to join the family and sample their wonderful food . We are now very adept at eating with our fingers.
Balan works on his veranda , sitting crossed legged on his mat. He makes the most incredible jewellery from silver and gold including the most intricate chains and ankle bands for the babies. Last year he made a simple bangle for each of our daughters in law. I also took photos of the process and put pictures in albums to go with the bangles. This year he is making me a silver pendant of Omm. 
Here he is working away. Note the hand operated fan that makes the coconut shell charcoal burn well.He collects the gold and silver dust in newspaper in the top drawer of his small chest so that he can melt it down for another use. He and his family have become good friends

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