Nice @ the Beach this Morning

Flynn Rumi and I got our groove on down at the beach this morning..gosh it was gorgeous....the  morning light is so wonderful to explore when one is used to the afternoon light.
I have decided that for one week I will give myself something (drink a lot more water) and take something away (lollygagging around in bed in the mornings and get up)...only for a week though.
Rumi has scratched himself to pieces until he is bleeding...the smell he is emitting is almost unbearable. I have tried just about everything with no luck. So tomorrow I am taking him to a Homeopathic Vet...I am keeping my fingers crossed and my belt pulled in (very expensive) that we can find a solution to the poor little guys ailments.....and my anxiety of not knowing what to do.

The bloody Mozzies have found my office and I think have taken up residence in here....the weather has been so perfect for a mozzie breeding frenzy.
Feeling a bit miserable...thank goodness for the's a magical world down there.

“All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed.
For after all, he was only human. He wasn't a dog.”
Charles M. Schulz

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