Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Nearly relaxing

Up early to clear the barn of personal items and check out of B&B/cottages before returning home.

Unloading of car once home, with a quick break before off again for a late luncheon out with married couple and direct family - this was lovely, not having to worry about what to cook and catch up on yesterday's event.

Home again for another brief break before helping married couple to load up their car - up at 4:30am to start their new life together.

All a parent wants is for their children to be happy. Yesterday was wonderful, to watch two people who love, cherish and adore each other make their life commitment to each other, was very special to us. Thank you Clare and Alex.

Another tear will fall tomorrow when you start your journey as a couple in Europe - FaceTime and Skype is going to be busy!!


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