Post Valentine's Day fatigue....

GravyC booked us a night away for Valentine's celebrations yesterday. ZQ was sleeping over elsewhere but we wouldn't get rid of find a babysitter for Noo, so he came too......

Technically, 2 of these pics are 'cheats' because they were taken yesterday, but they make the story complete:

Noo fell asleep on the way to the hotel after dropping ZQ. Unusually, he didn't wake when we took him from the car so we laid him on the bed. He showed no signs of waking, so GravyC trekked into town for takeaway pizza and wine. After eating cold pizza and drinking too much wine I fell asleep!! Of course, when GravyC wanted to get into bed Noo woke up and wanted pizza!!!! He remained restless for much of the night and woke at 5am for garlic bread and doughnuts (Childline = 08001111) after which GravyC treated him to a dawn walk around Eastbourne. .....

Today's picture is of Noo in the car while we waited for him to wake at the "flayground"!!!!

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