A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix

Happy Birthday Nana

Today my Nana would have been 90 years old. We all went down to the harbour, to visit the lovely granite bench that my mum had dedicated to her parents. It sits right at the mouth of the harbour, perfect for watching the comings and goings. The tide was rushing in over the sill and the sun was shining brightly. Mum placed some daffodils on the bench and then we let a balloon off and watched as it rose higher and higher. A lovely way to remember such a lovely person.
It has been a beautiful day here. C found loads of frogspawn in the pond,  which was a little disappointing as I had been hoping to have chance to clean the pond out before the frogs laid this year. Not to be deterred, I carefully removed oodles of frogspawn into a large container, laughed at Charlie leaping three foot in the air every time he saw a frog poke its nose out of the water and did my best to clear out the pond. A hour later, the frogspawn was  placed carefully back in the slightly cleaner water. Now we wait for spring to see if it survived. Fingers crossed!

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