My new glasses

I had a great night sleep last night. Unlike mummy who was up half the night, seemingly my little baby brother/sister was jumping and partying all night.

In the morning we headed to the shops. We needed to get food and drop bits and pieces off. We visited grandad, grandmas friend Jannette then met grandma at the shops. She bought me these fabulous glasses. My big brother and sister have some too.

In the afternoon I had a big nap. When I woke up I was very grumpy. Daddy was snoozing too though so I cuddles up to him while I woke up.

I got a bit upset as mummy got stuck on the floor. Her bump is so big she got stuck, daddy and I had to help her up.

For dinner I was a very good girl. I ate all my fish, some chips then a yogurt. As we had all eaten our dinner we got to watch tv together down in the family room.

When it was bed time I told mummy I had a sore tummy before I was very sick. Mummy isn't sure what caused it but after a clean sleepy suit and cuddles from mummy I have gone to bed. Hopefully for the night.

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