
5years 116days 

Katie was initially cross to go to ballet this morning - her friend was competing in the festival today and she wanted to watch but the teacher said they prefer them to not miss class. But when Katie realised it was trophy presentation day from their January exams. I am very proud of them - all Katie's team exams, they got Honours and she did brilliantly in her musical theatre (just a case of pass or not) exams. She was so excited about her four awards - "I am so HAPPY, Mama" she said. "I am very proud". 

We did a spot of food shopping before coming home - we have two of her wee friends here for the afternoon. They've played beautifully for three hours, playing board games, shops, having a picnic, colouring in and dressing up. They are now snuggling on the sofa together to watch a spot of Curious George, wrapped in Lenny blanket. I have baked crispie cakes and fruity flapjacks, cut out four skirts and tidied round the children. It's been a productive afternoon all round! 

Early night for her tonight - tomorrow she competes, and first she has a friend from ballet's 5th birthday party, then in the evening we have 2 Portugese ballerinas arriving for the week.

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