Traces of Past Empires

By pastempires

Mahratta War Memorial, Cantonment, Pune

This is the 1914-18 War Memorial.  It read:

"In Memory of
Those Men
of Maharashtra
Laid Down their Lives
in the War of 1914-18

This Monument 
has been erected
The Officers & Men
of their Regiments
& the Princes, Rulers
& People of their Race

Their Name Liveth
for Evermore"

On the other face is the list of the Mahratta Regiments who served in the British Indian Army in the Great War:

31st DCO Lancers
Royal Bombay Sappers & Miners
The 101st Grenadiers
103rd, 105th and 109th Mahratta Light Infantry
107th, 121st and 128th Pioneers
108th and 109th Infantry
114th and 116th Mahrattas
117th Royal Mahrattas

The other two faces of the Memorial have the same inscription in Hindi script.

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