
By CharlotteJ


Don’t tell mum….but tomorrow.......  from Tony (my dad), her girls (my sister and I), her grandgirls (my nieces), her great grandson and son-in-laws will be sending lots of love for Valentines Day and flowers duly delivered to Mum.  Mum sounded a bit down today on the phone, she has a bug and just wasn’t feeling herself. I hope the flowers help,…Dad would have sent them for sure, if he knew, if he had remembered, but when one struggles with words and life in general, his girls step in and remember for him!  A well oiled machine I like to think we are!!

Photo, other in manual, has no relevance to today..... Mills is a good emergency blip!!

Busy work, loads done, great run, lovely wine, good food, now time for sleep!  Thank you for yesterday’s comments, star and heart to such a late night blip.


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