Pretty in pink?

Today's the day ......................... to talk dirty

Warning - the 'p' word is going to feature quite a lot in this blip.

Somebody round here has taken to spraying dog poo a bright fluorescent pink.  Not quite sure what this is meant to achieve - because presumably it's not going to have much effect on the offending dogs.  And any offending owner of said dogs can just pretend that it's nothing to do with them - and no one would be any the wiser.

I can't imagine that anything is going to happen to the pink poo.  It will just stay there, probably much longer than it would have in its raw state (if you'll pardon the expression) - as a sort of weird pink trail for people to tut at.

And while we're tutting - is anyone going to do anything about the multitude of cats who come and poo secretly in my garden on a regular basis?  The only way you find them is when you dig a border or cut the grass.  Yuck!

P.S. I hope you've had your tea before you've read this ranting blip ............................?

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