Growing old disgracefully



Like Jettygirl, I had a wee tidy up today.  Before that, I was a subject for free spiral's Derelict Thursday.

Ankle has improved dramatically.  I am back in the driving seat, both figuratively and literally. 

Coming back with an update: If you have a moment, please pop in to congratulate Annie B, who has reached her 1000th blip. 
Annie was one of the most encouraging blippers who supported me in my first few weeks here.  Together we took the OU photography course and she was great at keeping me going when I felt it was too tough to continue. And, I owe so much to her for an introduction to extreme cropping - a technique I use on an almost daily basis.  But above all, Annie is one of the bravest blippers I know, continuing to blip following her stroke.  Happy 1000, Annie B!

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