Life is like a camera......

Friday.....oh my!  I was in charge of a FIVE hour training for some of our staff.  It went really well, but it is really taxing.  Whew.....So glad to get through it in one piece.  LONG DAY.  A big thank you to those who continue to help me out day in a day out.  At my personal life.  I am blessed with fabulous friends and co-workers.  

Later in the evening, I found a friend who was struggling with his photo challenge.  He was ready to quit.  I wasn't having it.  no I challenged him right then and there to get off the computer (facebook) and using only the light of a flashlight....grab a self portrait.  It was a hoot.  I got some really interesting shots of my self.  Including THIS super creepy one.  So fun. 

Earlier in the evening, I had taken this shot of my necklace per Sugar's suggestion.  It is my newest favorite.  I've been wearing it everyday for awhile now.  The little camera is new, from Christmas.  The saying I've had for awhile.  I put the two together....and I am happy.

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