
By Cari

More Macro

Last night I was naked. I know...too much information, but bare (no pun intended) with me. Glenn and I have the luxury of swimming nude. It's quite a freeing feeling and we love it. So, I'm heading down the stairs with my large cup of fresh cold water with lemon in it to go take a swim. I hit the second step, which is shallow and we are always leery of it. I must have hit it too close to the edge because my legs came out from under me and down I went on the edge of the step, hard. I am a tall lady at 5'10" and it was a long way down. Well, not only did I hit my bum super hard but then immediately proceeded to slide all the way down the steps, which are carpeted, to the bottom. Like a rocket. It all happened so fast! I'm sure you know what happens when skin rubs hard against carpet. Yep. Rug burn. On my bum. Needless to say I didn't go swimming. I cried while Glenn consoled me, took some ibuprofen and went to bed. I wasn't moving too quickly today. Really hurt to sit. Somewhat better tonight. My tailbone is very tender. All I can say is I'm thankful I didn't tumble. It could have been much worse. And, I'm thankful it didn't happen to Glenn. He wouldn't have fared so well.

Today was a pretty good day. Had a better day at the store than we've been having. It was busy! I ate good(thanks simplemoments for the encouragement) and I didn't even mind all the stormy wind and rain. Well, maybe that's because I checked the weather and it's suppose to start getting nice again starting Friday. For many days after that!! :)

Happy Tuesday

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