Digital Daze or Dusty Days
Took this shot his morning to show the dust/sand from the last two days' sandstorms. It's the floor in my room just under the window. Today was still chilly, but the wind had died down and there was less sand in the air. The wind wasn't really that high here compared to other places, like Jerusalem, which I saw on the news. However, yesterday morning, three very big roof panels had been blown off a roof just behind the British Council. One had landed just at the main entrance and could have killed someone had it hit them, and the other two had lodged into a big tree and were in danger of being blown down. The main entrance on the Corniche was cordoned off and a side door had to be used. Too busy to get a shot of that though and so you get my dusty room!
Last day of the. course and all good. Very positive feedback and just the end of course admin to do now.
Just finishing cleaning my room - not what I really wanted to do tonight, but better than having to do it tomorrow morning! And there's still sand everywhere!
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