Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

You know what coffee blips mean.

Not even 10am and I already want tomorrow to hurry up.

There's changes regarding the studio with my 'friend'. Both of us had a lot hit us at the same time, and decided to push back opening in order to deal with life. I took longer than I should have getting photos to one client who had come to us while we were offering specials for our portfolio. Due to my delay I offered the client a full refund and a few enlargements. She was justified in being unhappy with the delay, however was very gracious I was prepared to refund and offer a few enlargements as compensation.

I was still waiting to receive photos from the business partner for three clients - however I had informed them there may be some delay as unforseen circumstances had arisen and they would be ready as soon as practical.

Upon informing the business partner that I wasn't buying into the passive aggressive rants she had posted on facebook instead of maybe talking to me, and that I had rectified my mess up, I asked her to get the photos I was waiting on to me when practical - and I got absolutely roasted by her (which one of my blip buddies will back me up on having seen screen shots of the messages). 24 hours later I receive a notification on facebook reading "Stephanie ****** has scheduled the page Essenkae Photographics for deletion". Again, no discussion about it.

Cool. Fair enough. At least it's happened now, instead of later when we would have both invested a lot more than just a few days of our time.

So now I am job hunting. With the knowledge I will be under the surgeon's blade again by the end of the year which will sideline me for a further four months, it is essential I get a job asap. My most used qualifications are photography (obviously), journalism (obviously) and I've been a qualified barista since I was 17.

Realistically, I cannot work in another studio as I don't agree with the factory assembly line approach they all take - come here, smile, give me lots of money, kthanxbai. Photography should ve personalised.

So I'm doing the rounds applying for barista jobs - you all know I know and love coffee. Hahah. However this is easier said than done. Because of my time restrictions with school runs for Master Five Year Old, and I am being upfront with potential employers as not to waste their time, and have had a few knock backs - all but one being very polite in the knock back.

I specified I am only availble from 9:30am to 2:30pm on weekdays, but weekends are fine as long as I am out the door at 6pm for my photojournalism comittments.
Cafe owner: You have good qualifications and make great coffee. I can start you next week, from 7:30am to 6pm.
Me: I did say I am only available between 9:30am and 2:30pm due to school runs with my young son.
Cafe owner: Get someone else to drop him at school and use after school care.
Me: That is not currently an option.
Cafe owner: Then you're not serious about getting a job.
Me: I'm serious about being a mother first and foremost.
Cafe owner: With an attitude like that, nobody will hire you.


Off I go to think of something useful.

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