Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


Busy days, out more than in and so much to do when I get home.  My apologies for lack of comments. I've tried to use the phone but it refuses to leave comments and there isn't enough signal to use the laptop at work. I did hear W. saying she was thinking of installing the internet. As she's the personification of technophobic, I'll believe it when I see it.

Just before Christmas, someone with less goodwill than others, appropriated themselves to her handbag. The shop in which she was targeted wasn't running their CCTV at the time.  How I wish that wasn't the case. Targeting a disabled person in a wheelchair is one of the most abhorrent of crimes!

Aside from the mental trauma, which is undoubtedly worse for an already vulnerable person, there was the anguish for the loss of the bag that was held tight in her hands.   It wasn't so much for the small amount of cash that it contained but, all the documents that needed replacing. In this day and age without a computer everything becomes a marathon. Drivers license, Identity card, disability card, medical documents, bank details and cards all to change, then start finding all the appointments, of which many are important hospital procedures, that were listed in her diary.  It was a nightmare! 

Both myself and my colleague, who assists W, during the day, have been trying to convince her for years that form filling and finding information is quicker and easier at the touch of a button or two but she panics that she may get some virus, her identity might be compromised and that big brother will be watching her. Maybe she is now realising that it's not all that bad. I do hope so.  

My blip this evening.  Man and his dog at the top of the hill.  The clouds haven't lifted all day so the semblance of a slight sunset is purely digital license. :)

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