Some Florida Color

I spent WAY too much time this morning trying to secure some tickets online for an event I want to go to. It's the Modern Pentathlon, ( fencing, equestrian, swimming, shooting, and running) to be held about 20 miles from here. So, by the time I got out, it was early afternoon. Poor light.

I decided to just shoot some flowers, and 1 bird. A few observations:

1. In the upper middle, this is the same plant I shot last year. Last year, I knelt down on the ground, and ended up getting 23 ant bites. This year, I was much more careful.

2. In the upper right, a garden guide directed me to this Dutchman's Pipe. It's a very pretty flower. If I get a rainy cold might even become a featured blip.

3. That fruit right below the Pipe is a Starfruit.

4. And...number 4...ranting material. The bottom middle picture. With 1,350 miles of shoreline, and with loads of different shorebirds, the Florida state bird mockingbird. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I think the pelicans, the ospreys, the blue herons, and all the egrets should dive bomb the state legislature...until a change is made. THE MOCKINGBIRD! ARE YOU SERIOUS?

The highlight of my night? After having lunch with my two girls (Lisa and our neighbor Faye), we were all shopping in Hobby Lobby. I thought I recognized the tall guy in the black leather jacket. IT WAS PAUL AZINGER, a former pro golfer. I "ambushed" him at the checkout.

Me: "Paul Azinger?"

Him: "Yes, yes I am."

Me: "I was wondering if you still lived in this area."

Him: "Yep, I live right here in Bradenton."

Me: "Do you still play?"

Him: "No, I don't, but I am giving private lessons."

Me: "Are you doing any TV commentating?"

Him: "Yes, I still work for ESPN."

Him: (leaving) "Hey, we'll see you later."

Kind of a mini-thrill for someone who watches (and used to play) a lot of golf.

P.S. This is dedicated to all my blip friends who are only seeing one color...white, as in snow. I feel for you.

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