I can't believe it, but Josh is 18 today! I drove down to Oxford this morning to surprise him, well it is a special birthday. 

Rach and I went into town to buy a birthday cake and a few other essentials needed to celebrate with. We even had time to have a wander in the Ashmolean. 

When the boys arrived home we celebrated with cake....again! This evening we all went to Jamie Oliver's place for a meal. Gi and Carol joined us and it was great. Gi didn't know I was coming down so he was surprised to see me. We had a great time and I have had too much to drink :)

Rach is up early tomorrow for a meeting in London so Tom is making me breakfast...it is great having a nephew who loves to cook. 

It is lovely to be with all the family...except for one thing. They are all so tall. I have to stand on tip toe to see in a mirror. I even wore heels and they all towered above me.

Tomorrow I shall go and see my little nieces before I go home.

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