An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

66th Birthday

Today I turned 66.  That is the age that folks born in 1949 can retire.  Or at least draw their full  Social Security.  My weekend trip to Memphis was a birthday celebration.  Today was supposed to be very busy.  And as it turned out  it was.

I volunteer my Wednesday mornings to a pre-school ran by my church.  I meet with the group of kids who graduate to kindergarten next year.  I am always provided with  at least one take away.  Either something they said or had done.  Today they had a birthday party for me with a cake and this card.  Each of the kiddos wrote their names and drew some art.  What a joy.

Today's takeaway came from one of the girls.  As I was cutting my cake, the kids asked for this piece or that piece.  Most wanted more icing.  Some though wanted the plastic balloons that decorated the cake.  Others wanted the chocolate lines that looked like strings holding the balloons.  The girl piped in with 'You get, what you get.  And  don't throw a fit."  A piece of wisdom we all can use.

After I got home, I used that wisdom.  Beemer has been failing fast.  Last Friday he  limped pretty bad but could get around.  By this morning, I had to pick him up and hold him up until he could maintain his balance.  I  got a lot from Beemer.  More than I ever returned.  I needed not to throw a fit.  I had to do what was right for Beemer and put him to rest.  Just got back from that long goodbye.

My last picture of Beemer.

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