Life on the edge...

By bru22


I am just in the door from THEE longest day ever. I left the house at 7.15am and have just re-entered... 22.28 Although, I got jammed and had to bash my way in the door as stupidly left the cupboard door behind my front door open!!! How did I get out this morning?!?! Must have been half asleep!!! TRUE.

This picture, is the ceiling at Maersk House, Altens, Aberdeen, where I have just retuned home from after a note bash rehearsal for my next gig on Sunday... Always find these Tuesday note bashesrehearsals a little pointless as its not the real conductor and half of the orchestra are missing... Ok it gives us an idea of how it goes Not that having a bash along with YouTube already did this!!but seeing as I'm sure I've played the whole programme before... half of it with the conductor who is joining us for the concert... I was a little... Switched off... So my eyes ended up deciding how some members of the orchestra look like other people...

HILARIOUS moment when the conductor said lets go from rehearsal mark N for NUTS.. To which simultaneously my desk partner said "mmh, yes please!" and i said "rugh, no thanks!" haha... We didn't managed to join back in until we had stopped crying with laughter...

I decided... My desk partner looked very like where's Wally in her Stripey red dress and if the ceiling fell down we'd have a serious problem...

My head then dawndered onto the fact I had spent most of the day faffing around with Maersk accounts and toting up a list of things I stilllllll have to do in my head.... UGH!! I have 2 days off on holiday, I'm at a rehearsal trying to switch off.. Yet it's in a company I deal with on a daily basis so now I'm back to thinking about work... BAH!!

I need to relax. I seriously need some time off as I can feel my brain slowly being crushed.

I nearly got up and walked out of work completely today but I'm smarter than that right before pay day... I'd rather not give them any excuse to take any money off of me... Will make sure i get my pay correctly first!!!
I'd rather leave knowing they are owe me nothing... I have removed all of my belongings from my desk, glasses, special (because I have OCD) pens, a photograph, my mug - leaving some things like my diluting juice and like highlighers... Replaceable things... But I'm going to have a serious sleep on it think over the next few days... I don't want to leave. I don't think I will leave but i'm standing RIGHT on the edge... I just want to be treated with a bit of respect. Is that too much to ask?!?!

Today, I got moaned at and told I'd have my phone taken off of me.. (God help the person that tries that one) because I spend no more than 3 minutes on the phone to the bank.

A blocked number phoned my phone 3 times in a row... At the third time... I began to panic... My brain went into over drive as I convinced myself something was wrong and I was needed somewhere... Family illness is a bit of a bugger in my family so when odd things happen like that... I automatically have a tiny little alarm bell in my head. So to be fair it was probably better for everyone around me that I just answered the damn phone vibrating in my pocketTo my relief it was just the bank wanting to have a meeting with me YAWN... But since I had answered... I just thought what's the harm in booking an appointment... Would have taken my all of 4 seconds.. And then i'd get on with my work - considering this was around about break time

... And smokers are allowed 10 minutes to fill there lungs with junk WHY was answering my phone ONCE such a f$?%ing drama!!! My boss walked in and spoke to me like I was 5 WHILE I was still on the phone!!! WTF... RUDE. Get a grip.

I know I shouldn't have been on the phone and I should have been working but GAH there are polite ways of dealing with things!!!
SERIOUSLY no room for rudeness on my life...

After I told her I thought it was unfair how the company's policy Lol! Like they even have policies on mobile phones was different for every member of staff... I got told this was because SOME staff have children so they are allowed to Look up groupon, online shop check Facebookhave their phones on for total emegancies. I'm sorry, I may be young, I may not have any mini me's as of yet If I did they would be kicking these people's asses!!! but I still have responsibilities... I have close family who i deliberately don't move that far away from as I worry constantly... She has NO fricking idea.

So after my telling off all of the little niggling things over the last few weeks/months... A member of staff gettin the sack yesterday!!! I broke down In tears. I didn't let my boss or big boss see this... Just my office partner who's desk faces mine. I didnt let anyone else in on this as they are not getting to win! I'm bigger and better than both of the glued together.

My boss tried to ask me what overtime I am still overdue from last months pay but I was so pissed off I just told her to leave it... I was again on the work phone this time. Why do people thing when i'm on the phone I can just talk through it?!?! Customer service with. annoying moaning boss smile In the background she then text me after I left asking again what my overtime I was due... By this time she was feeling bad... My response was

"honestly, I don't want a penny of it."

Just to make a fricking point. I couldn't give a flying monkeys about money. It just causes divides and problems and MOANING GAHHHHH....

I really want to leave just to spite the lot of them as since they now have a chef off with stress, 1 office member sacked... If I left it would cause another hole in the office but it would effect the wrong people... It would effect the people I care about as it would just make the Boss and big boss even more evil and the rest of them would feel the wrath...

There is only so much wrath i can take.

Looking forward to the next 2 days off though!!! THANK GOODNESS!!! Time for
Some TLC at the hairdressers tomorrow and going to see my mammy! Then road trip to see a friend and her pooch. SUNSHINE. THANK YOU.

I do appologise if you got this far on in my rant... But maybe I just needed to get that out...

"Pain and suffering is inevitable but misery is optional..."

"smile beautiful, they'd love to watch you fall..."

"I get knocked down... But I get up again,,, you're never going to keep me down...!!!!

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