bucks life

By bucksmiss

Bring out the Bolly!

It's been another really good day. Although, it started a little badly. I finally caught up with the lady who's been parking wholly on the pavement outside my house at 8 o'clock every week day and asked her not to do so as her idling engine disturbs us indoors and she is damaging the kerb stones. The police have told me not to park on the pavement and so I do not see why anyone else should be able to do so! I told her this. She wasn't happy although she did admit to having run over my recycling box last week. She didn't offer to pay for it I notice! I said that if she continued to park I'd have no option but to speak to the parish council, the police and the primary school where she's been dropping the kids off. I didn't get cross but asserted myself and felt good for having done so.

Work was pretty good but I did have to attend a meeting with a client this afternoon during my afternoon off. That said, it was a meeting to sign off documents for a completion which happened later on today and the client bought out the Bollinger and so I was a more than willing participant! He is a lovely client too and this is his gorgeous board room in an old chapel.

Before that, I popped into the fabric warehouse and bought the fabric for my new curtains. Hurrah! I'm now on first name terms with the lady there.

Later on, I had a session with the head shrink which went well.

I am going to be treated to a three course slap up meal at home this evening, cooked by my lodger who has invited three of his friends as well. I have no part to play other than as a guest and I'm really looking forward to it.

It is proving to be a good week!

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