
That's a challenge I think, isn't it? I think maybe on a different day. This is Worthing's old swimming pool. What they did is build a new swimming pool right next door. Everyone still parks in the carpark, the yoofs threaten to break in and have a rave and currently there is no end of hoo ha about building a block of flats. We don't do the joined up thinking here very much.

In other news I dropped Will at school and went straight to swim for 45 mins. And then felt weary all day, to a back drop of cupboard clearance (really disappointing, no hidden gems, no great clearance just a pile of old clothes that I knew about that I don't really like). Then the staples of charity shop and dump (all baby books now gone, they have been in a box for a couple of months to see if I needed them. It's fine, I don't need Marvin the sheep anymore). And then marmalade making. For the first time ever I read the recipe in completion before starting and what's more, I'm even following it! Who knows what will happen.

All this mundanity was completed with thoughts of the lovely Texann who tragically lost her husband very quickly at the weekend. I have only known her through blip for a few months and I can't get her out of my mind.

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