Jimmy, Finn, Yasmin and I

By Caronie


Well another month has flown by and Yasmin another month older. At nine months she has found her feet, literally and tries to do everything standing up. She loves looking through her legs upside down and is just starting to get the idea of walking but doesn't really bend at her knees just yet. she is such a good eater and is becoming more independent and will use her sippy cup. She is a cheeky monkey and has a bit of a feisty character, holding her own now with Finn, biting back (literally launching herself at Finn) if she feels wronged and wants her own way! Think this one may be rather strong willed! Finn has also had a brain development and his drawing shows this as he now draws shapes where he joins the lines and is labelling his work. He has drawn a 'person' with 'legs' and his favourite is a birdie with beak and dots for eyes. Things appear in a random arrangement but I am fascinated to see what he draws next.

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