Tuesday: Comedy Night

A flyer came round work a few days ago advertising a comedy night, in English, at a club in town.  So K. and I, being of an intrepid nature, decided to give it a go.

The venue was great - somewhere we hadn't been before, in a part of town that was new to us.  It had the feel of an old lecture theatre from the 50s - all genuinely retro and of another time.  Witness the typewriter which was on the bar.

The comedy was OK - it was a British guy from Newcastle.  We did enjoy it and it was nice to do something a little different but, at the risk of sounding a little old-fashioned, I don't think you need to swear every other word to get a laugh.  Oh my, I do sound old-fashioned, don't I!  But it really was every other word!

Track 141

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