A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The table at 1.40pm

Finally a sunny day for testing the success of the sail-making. Going for a conventional lunchtime most folks would be okay to eat here apart from the poor soul down the far right corner. At least we know what needs doing next. A later shot revealed what needs doing for the later lunch setting. So that's Saturday morning's job sorted.

Unless I'm catching up on the work that I spectacularly failed to do today; instead letting myself first be distracted by some folks going for coffee after school drop-off and then be sidetracked into a picnic lunch on the common after my tap class. At some point it will no doubt come back to bite me on the backside but all that socialising was very lovely.

More lovely than my humiliating massacring when J taught me how to play FIFA12 on the Wii. If I ever stand a chance I shall have to forego further days of work and do some serious practising. Though there may be no hope for my old brain which was quickly fried by the number of buttons that needed moving and pressing at the same time. Many was the time I found myself yelling at my players for standing still only to realise I had stopped moving them. It was fun to hang out with my boy, though I am aiming to score one goal next time around!*

Lesley x

* the score showed that I did but only because J moved his goalie out of his way and I refuse to be patronised by an 8-year old. Or anyone for that matter.

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