Derelict Tuesday

Every so often this sad, neglected building appears in a newspaper story somewhere. It features in the lists of historic buildings most at risk.

Built in 1903 as part of Salford's new northern cemetary, by the 1980's it was closed. It was built as the CoE mortuary chapel, but the decision was taken to upgrade the better located non-conformist chapel at the cemetary to be the focus of services etc.

The building is an odd mixture of arts and crafts, art deco and gothic, and must have looked fine in its day. It is now more of a ruin, but being where it is finding a viable alternative use is not easy. And that is essential if it is to have any real future.

The big irony is that the cemetary (now called Agcroft cemetary) took land that was part of the Agecroft Hall estate. A fine tudor mansion industialisation and urbanisation meant that by the early 20th century it was surrounded by pits and railways, and so it was sold at auction in 1925, packed up in boxes and shipped to the USA. It was then put together again, and now sits resplendent in Richmond, Virginia by the James River. Just google it !

So - the much loved 500 year old mansion looks resplendent and in fine condition, whilst the 112 year old building that sits on its former estate lies derelict and wondering abut its future.

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