Love Letters
I had an idea for my 'BigMoment' picture so sent D up into the loft to look for some old photographs. He made the mistake of handing me a box of old letters instead so I've spent the last 2 hours looking through them. Here is just a small selection of letters written by D to me, mostly in the early 90's. I remember throwing a bagful away when I moved out of my parents house but these survived. He must have written me literally hundreds of letters, most of them while he was working night shifts at BT. He used to drop them through the letterbox at about 7am on his way home from work and I'd hear the unmistakable roar of the Fiat X19 exhaust as he drove off before my dad could get to the front door.
There are letters, stories and cards in there. some typed, some handwritten (scrawled) and some great poetry:
Just call for me and I'll be there
To help put henna on your hair
so smile and get ready in a hurry
and I'll take you out for a curry.
Some things don't change! (apart from the henna bit)
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