The coal delivery

The coal delivery passed me this morning as I was walking back from school.

It did make me think how long these delivery's will keep going. When I was young everything came in vans to our door as the shops was miles away and hardly anyone had a car, we had the fish van, the veg man, the butcher, the milk man, the library, the scrappie, the tinkers who fixed things and sharpened things and did odd jobs and sold clothes pegs. I'm sure there were more, I must ask my mother.

A few years ago there was a coal man in the village every day, now I'm not sure it's even once a week. We like others don't get coal delivered anymore due to the price, we now buy wood but we do get it delivered when we order it.

These days the village is still full of delivery vans every day but these are all delivering things we order on line I'm not sure it's the same. I'm not even sure that it's progress it's just different.

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