
Excellent progress has been made today on Operation Lets all Live in a Nice House Instead of a Messy, Dirty, Broken One (I need to find a snappier title). Mazet did a splendid job of wall drilling and hanging a variety of things off them (Shelves, hooks, a door, curtains). We also struck a good shed deal which I will mention here so he wont forget. 

Progress was also made on an alternative to a room in the loft, I cleared out the kitchen cupboards and look at Will's lovely writing! If I was a better person I would go back and find earlier handwriting examples and link them here (I like to use blip to track his handwriting) but I cant be bothered, I know that it is better. And he loves me.

Just for the record, if when I win the lottery, I will not be one of those people who insisted they have to carry on working. I will be really quite happy just pottering.

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