
By Cigs

Old Dalkeith Road

A day out all over the damned place! If my phone could handle Strava I would be able to tell you with certainty that I covered 47 miles at an average speed of 7.3 mph (I did have 31 stops - and that's just the scheduled ones - never mind the 18 - oh look at that roll of red piping against a green wall or the I wonder if there's any reduced to clear cod fillets in Tesco - there was!)

But great to be out on two wheels. And I knew I would pass this - the almost furthest out of town Cigs there is. Just past the much reported filling station one just back along the road, this is - frankly - a mess. Smudged, drips, poor quality paint. Ugh! Still, dated '15. Block capitals, Black paint on grey telecom box.

In other news, I found one completely unexpectedly at the roundabout at Colinton Road / Oxgangs Road North.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd find one there. And - I have to revisit some of today's ones, so watch out on Thursday...

(I know, you  can't wait, can you?)

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