Human Convenience Behaviour...

Attention, the following extract contains notes on male behaviors in public conveniences on private properties.

There are some interesting human behaviors exhibited in male toilets that you don't see anywhere else. Nothing dramatic, but just subtle wee things that you can see going on. I watched someone get in a bit of frankle today in the toilets in this regard.

I don't like to go into the toilets directly behind someone (one of my public convenience behaviors) so seeing that this was about to happen I hung back a fraction of a second but I did go in close enough for the guy in front to know I was going in. When I went in he sort of decided to go to the urinals but then re-evaluated with ever so slight fluster and slightly detoured to the the cubicles. Not wanting to seem in to too much of a fluster he then chose a cubicle went straight on in. Thing is, there was no light in the one he went into. Oops.

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