Lizellens Lot

By lizellen


Not my best photo but I like it because it shows the front and the back of the pair of tui chicks hanging about my feeder.

Already they are showing the personality characteristics of the adults. The one facing appears to be the male - a slightly bigger build and a stroppy temperament. He takes the lead and the other chick has to wait until he is finished at the feeder before having a turn Sometimes he will come back and chase her off before she is finished just to throw his weight around. There is much squawking and open beak  threatening, but she always gives in . You can see in this photo that she wont meet his eye.

It is the same with the adults. The male always feeds first and his mate hangs around at a respectful distance until he has finished. He often bullies her, chasing her off if she should get there first.

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