Sorting out the post.

Ahhhhh! I hate all the crap in the house. We never seem to get the time to sort a anything out. Put things away.

I'm sure you all know what I mean.

We both work 5 days a week, and the boys take up most of the spare time we have.

I've just spent the last 3 hours sorting through piles and piles of post / paperwork / crap, trying to find some concert tickets.

I can remember receiving them, and putting thrm on the table.... but know idea where they've gone now.

Anyway. Lots of rubbish burnt or put into the bin / recycling. But still no tickets.

So much for sitting down tonight and celebrating my retention bonus which work informed us of c today.

Biggest bonus I've ever had, and that is only the first half ( May ) with a second payment of the same amount ( October ).

Oh well.

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