bucks life

By bucksmiss

Twinkle toes

Bad news came in the form of another speeding ticket. Hmmm. I saw the van. I checked my speed. I was within the limit. But it says I was 7mph over. I don't know how, unless they were shooting with a telephoto lens. Either way there's no point objecting so that's three points on the licence. That wound me up.

It was a full on day's work, rather manic at times with a client on the phone no end. However, with the aid of a colleague we helped him through and things progressed well. Other matters were also pressing and kept me on my toes. I gave my mobile number out in case I was needed after hours but so far so quiet... A thoroughly enjoyable day.

I saw the GP before doing a wee but of food shopping then had a chilled out evening with Broadchurch.

Here are my gorgeous new pixie slippers made for me by my amazing sister in law P. They're just like Teddy's and Tilly's. Just a tad bigger :))

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