Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


I constantly amaze myself with the creativity of my titles, wow!

I had my first exam today. It was English Literature. It went okay and I did the best I could really, although hindsight is a pain in the arse. I keep thinking 'Oh I could've written that' and I really think my last answer was a disaster as I started getting really frustrated with not being able to put what was in my head onto the paper. Anyway, time to focus on the next one: Chemistry on Thursday, woohoo! There are quite a few people taking tomorrow off to revise for Chemistry as we don't really have any vital lessons and we haven't been given any study leave until after half term. I'd love to stay off and make sure I knew it all but I'm just too much of a geek and I'd feel rather bad to take the day off (actually I'd feel terrible, really guilty) and miss my lessons.

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