Ships in the night

Squidge had the day with her a Dad (and a list of chores) while I headed to the office. They sounded like they had fun and even managed a very grown up stop for a coffee (or hot chocolate in Squidge's case - pictured!)

I worked really hard today. I had so much on my to-do list that I decided I needed a mini urgent to-do list that was more realistic. And luckily I managed to get that version done which felt good. I'd still be there if I'd used the other one!

Lots of business trips and client meetings coming up to get ready for in Dublin, Manchester and London so Angus will be drafted in for some more Daddy days as will be Mum and Dad (jetlagged and happy from their jollies).

As a family we are ships in the night at the moment. Angus and I tag-teaming on childcare and rarely together as a three or two (in Angus and I's case). It is making me quite sad but think it is just a necessary evil during this extremely busy patch.

I'm dreaming of a happy summer in our new home, lying on the grass in our new garden playing together. Let's hope it comes true....

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