Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Going Bananas

The Weegie family have gone yoghurt daft !

I'll do just about anything to get teenagers to eat a decent breakfast.  In fact for the last 3 weeks I have been getting up before 7 am and bringing them their breakfast in bed.  Otherwise they are in too much of a rush.  When they eat breakfast, they are much pleasanter to each other in the mornings - and I don't need to worry about them snacking on rubbish by 10.00 am.

Picked up this little beauty half price at Lakeland yesterday - along with a large selection of yoghurt mixes, lunchbox tubs,  and seeds for toppings. This morning's choice was Greek Yoghurt with sunflower seeds.  They managed to eat the the whole jar in one day.

I know the novelty will wear off in time, meanwhile I've googled some on line sources of new varieties !

Here's tomorrow's breakfast!

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