Beam me up!

There are some people that have a knack of recruiting you into a job before you even realise you were thinking about it. One such is my friend S and I have discovered that I am organising a craft competition which is part of a large event she is running at the end of May. (I will have my new hip by then so it will be easier to do than it would be at the moment!) The event involves more than thirty WIs in the north-East quarter of Surrey, and is part of the centenary celebrations of the Women's Institute.
It will be staged in our local village hall which is a converted barn, and several of us met there today to plan the layout. The hall is a well used and much loved social centre of our village. While we chatted and measured and counted tables, I was distracted by the beautiful beams up above and, as always, as I got my camera out I needed to explain all about blipfoto.

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