Sillier than fiction?

The day started in Chelmsford, Essex and finished in Arnavutkoy, Istanbul.  The suitcase weighed 20kilos.  The hand luggage weighed more than 9.  Even my handbag weighed 5 kilos.  I think I need to reevaluate just how many laptops, tablets, kindles, phones and slabs of English cheese I need as travel buddies. About a trillion people were at the airport (Stansted) and nearly all of them were in front of me at passport control.  A leisurely pint of Doom Bar. Good.  About the only thing that was.  A late take off and then oh joy, the man sitting in front of me was one of those.   A talker who uses a dictionary's worth of words to say nothing at all in a VERY LOUD VOICE.   He honed this skill for the entire duration of the flight.   Relieved to finally get off the plane before realising about a zillion people were trying to get through passport control in Istanbul in front of me.  How did they know I was coming?  Then none of the carousels were displaying my flight and the walking tour of baggage reclaim area looking for my cheese suitcase meant that I was able to step out into the pouring rain just in time to wave goodbye to the airport shuttle bus going to my area of Istanbul.  Can't go back into the airport without struggling through security again so got soaked while waiting for the next bus.  Slow journey home through the traffic feeling very damp.  Quick cold shower waiting at the taxi rank for the final leg of the journey with a taxi driver who didn't know where the campus was!  Fortunately, I do.

Could've been worse.  Finally walked in through the main door of the building, around 10pm, dripping and dragging my luggage when a neighbour who is now easily my favourite maths teacher in the whole world, appeared and asked if I wanted a hand with my 20 kilos of stuff and cheese suitcase.  er, yes please, my Knight....  Rather a lot of stairs later I walked in through my own front door to be greeted most enthusiastically by Elizabeth and Caroline who then, after their "English kitty food " treat from the suitcase (part of the ritual of me arriving home from anywhere, started by darling Connie dog 16 years ago), settled down with me for a furry cuddle fest.  I'll unpack tomorrow.

The photo? A few of Dad's books - although I think some of them were my maternal grandfather's.  Actually took the photograph last night, after midnight, when I was thinking about Dad's stuff.  What to do with them? 

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