
By LuvU2

My 'Big Moment' 22 Years Later

Ronnie jr's Birth, My Big Moment in 1993. Now, almost 22 years later, he is still my reason to live! .... and guess what!? He brought his lovely little Anrie into my life! They were together for just over 5 years now and she's become a very important part of my life too! 

If only I knew, on the day he was born, what I know today, I would've spoiled him rotten!! Whaha! Not really, I am sure the fact that all three of us grown-ups in his life were quite strict, is the main reason for him to be such a well balanced grown-up, with excellent skills in choosing my 'granddaughter' for me! ;-) 

I luvvvv him unconditionally! He is the most important living being in my life, and  sweet little Anrie is just a step behind him! She knows that as well, I told her on more than one occasion!

'One Year Ago'  -  A Bug's Life

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