Watch the Ball!
A pre breakfast walk today where we were joined by our friend Linda and her dog Marley.
Not sure what it is with Kilbo and chasing balls. He loves to do it in competition with another dog (usually Mayar) We have noticed though that he doesn't watch the ball, he watches the other dog and reacts to them rather than us when we do the throw. Even when Mayar is the one who catches the ball and brings it back he will continue to round her and the ball up until she gets back to us and drops the ball when he will pick it up for a few seconds before dropping it again for the next throw. I'm not sure if it's because he came from farm stock that the herding instinct is higher then the chasing instinct or just because he is a very odd dog. Mayar on the other hand watches the ball from the moment we pick it up off the ground until the moment it's in her mouth.
This picture is the perfect example of Kilbo, he's inches away from the ball but he's still watching to see what Marley is doing rather then paying full attention to the ball
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