Well well well!

Boring day but nice weatherwise. Spent time backing up files and such then escaped with dogglies to our favourite spot by the well and being as chubby hubby was with us, he took a photae of us all!
Youngest daughter home and busy baking, we went out to lunch together and she was looking at my wedding ring when she followed it with the imortal words "when you are finished I want your wedding ring"! nice! Dogs also sleeping on the chairs as usual. Got my pal to book our flights to Stansted then its onto the tidal island of Mersea at the end of next week. Spent some time camera spotting on the net as I would like to get a small travelling camera and not have to lug the big Canon beast which I have now relegated to landcapes. Am thinking I quite fancy the sweet wee Lumix LX5 as it looks just the ticket. Small and sharp! ... a bit like myself really!

Happy blipping all

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