
By Appreciation

All Go

Not my usual day for my mother's house but due to special photographs tomorrow I needed to re-arrange. It was All Go with her. She has a last minute holiday with my sister this weekend. She was all flustered when I arrived. She continued to behave like a headless chicken until I told her to sit down and relax. She appears to have no idea how to pack or what to pack for a holiday. She is sorted now and perhaps just a little bit excited when I left - despite the pool being on the small side and it only being a room and no meals and, and, and. Yet I know she is pleased and looking forward to the adventure. She was very keen to tell everyone we met today all about it.

I couldn't resist a visit to the bridge. It was definately all go there too. There were a vast array of ice creams, shorts and cameras on display.

I watched as a bench of men all stared as a young mother bent over to pick something up. I saw a community policeman scare the life out of every bench he passed when he greeted them with a bit of banter and cheery chat. As he left every bench discussed how nice he had been and how unusual for 'them' to stop and chat. I saw boats, trains, motorcyles and seagulls, come and go just like the ebb and flow of the tide. What a glorious day to be by the seaside. I was also rather taken by the elderly couple who had set up camp on the beach - chairs, a cool bag and a picnic which consisted of two real glasses and a couple of vodkas for each as they watched the world go by! Why not?

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