Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

By the riverside...

What on Earth can this feeling be?

A strange enchantment perhaps?

I am lying on the ground...the Sun warm on my skin....I close my eyes....a gentle heated breeze flows across my body....nature's melody delicately pervading my senses.

The sounds of the river bank floating across the water like dandelion seeds in the air, drifting first this way and then that. As the dappled light dances across my eyelids and my toes wiggle in the soft grass I sail back over the seas of time to my childhood, carefree and gentle. A time when sitting on the riverbank was the most taxing thing you had to do that day....not the BEST thing you could be doing!

Little bugs come to inspect this 'Gulliver' and crawl onto my fingers, all of them marvellous to behold in the Summer sun, bright metallic colours, rainbow like and stunning in their nature. An early waking Dragonfly whooshes past all fairie like and as full of magic as it could be, Sylph wings playing with the light.

Birds joyous at the clear skies twist and turn, swallows dipping and diving, busy romancing and dancing their love of life. Swans glide past mimicking each other and performing the Ballet of endearment, touching, craning their necks together, tender and SO familiar of our modest efforts. I realise that I am humming, that contented sound that announces to all that you are at peace.

With a heavy heart I must leave, King Heron performs a fly past for me.....could this day be any more fulfilling?

A little gardening, saying a hello to my garden.

Fettling with my bikes.

Dinner outside with my wonderful wife.......

Jeepers am I having a Day Off or what!!!!!!!!

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