Growing old disgracefully



I've been a bit bored by photography recently, but I keep up with the blipping as for me it's never been just the image, more a chance to reflect on the day.  That process is so helpful both in laying down the reasons to be grateful and realising how transient the shadows really are.  Obviously, I don't share deeply personal stuff on this public forum, but there are enough hints for me to recall stuff that matters, to look back and see how moods and circumstances come and go like the tide.

Today started with the VIP sleeping in - an usual event that had us both creeping through to touch him gently and make sure he was still breathing. Some of his tiredness must have rubbed off on me - I didn't get going properly until 3 pm, when I stirred myself and made a cake for a lovely visitor. Then our son and heir breezed in with his weekly news.  Some days are good, even if all you do is make a cake, cook some lasagne and laugh heartly with those you love. 

I bought this bit of driftwood art at a crafts fair years ago in Armadale, Skye.  The woman who made it told me her husband did wood turning and she uses his off cuts to make these pieces.  I really must remember to dust before I do macro photography!

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