
By lucia13

I know what you are doing!

This little colourful bird was playing around my rose bushes this morning. I watched him from my bed and ran for my camera but he disappeared. I was  waiting with my camera next to me just in case and eventually he came back.  It was a long time ago when I last saw a bird like this. Only in your journals but there are not many around here so I was very happy and he was looking at the window like he knew  what I was doing.  What a pity I was not near but if opened the window or moved near he would have gone away so I am happy with that at the moment and he made me smile  for a while .  Hope I will get more in the future and better than this. I will put food near the window for them and I will be prepared. The first I saw was very near to me but I missed it.
This was a nice day and we had a Spanish lunch with some lovely friends who had a Spanish guest . I am tired now but happy.
Thanks  a lot for the comments and stars for my sunset and hope you had a nice weekend everybody. Smile.

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