
By dieseldaisy

It's been a while...

Five years in fact. 

We are trying to recruit a head teacher for our school and I needed some photographs to illustrate the blether. Trying to convince prospective candidates that we don't  really live on an inconvenient cold rock - actually a rural paradise full of puffins. All the pictures I take these days are for work so I had to dig out an old hard drive and rake through the 'Blip files'. For flip's sake that was truly a walk down memory lane. The Time Before Teenagers when the answer to grumpy family was piling down the beach rather than flicking through Netflix. 

I bloody loved doing Blip. Facebook was horrible, I hated that but I loved Blip.I remember that now , and blow me but my account is still there waiting for me to get my act together. So I am going to try and be a weekend blipper. See how that goes. 

I did take a lot of pictures of my pets and that ain't going to change any time soon. This is Lola going for an adventure on the roof. We don't normally keep lots of alcohol in our bedroom but that tousle- haired boy in my last Blip entry is now 16 and he had his friends round last night.  Things got a bit rowdy and we heard some girls pile in off the ten o'clock bus so we thought we would discretely remove temptation and take what remained of the alcohol upstairs. I am sure they wouldn't have finished off my gin but who would want to live with the consequences if they had done.. 

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