
I am about a third of the way through watching Boyhood. Everyone has raved about it, I am struggling a bit. So far it just seems to be counting through the multiple ways to easily make a mess of your children.

Today Will just wanted to play his new computer game. It was a beautiful day, so I suggested we went out on our bikes. My little boy, he has the measure of me. He agreed, put his shoes on, we cycled happily to the beach hut (where I last visited last August, thinking I was leaving it for the 10 days we were going to France).

Me: isn't it a lovely day, thank you for coming out with me.

Will : it's fine. I only did it because you forced me and this way you will let me play my game.

It's much better this way, we both end up happy.

And I haven't seen Daisy after her ill - advised post illness "sleep" over. She has taken to her bed, I am NOT looking forward to getting her out of it for school in the morning.

Crap, squinting into the sun photo but was a good summing up I thought.

And I have cooked loads of meals and nurtured my brand new, first time in a year cold. Have decided red wine is the best approach.

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