Unwanted silk flowers
Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans...today was supposed to start with a trip to the gym...didn't happen as we just couldn't be bothered. We were looking forward to a nice relaxing morning but that too went out of the window after a frantic phone call from our pregnant daughter who had to go to the hospital after experiencing some problems. Dashed over to her house to collect my granddaughter still in my jammies and then back to ours. Thankfully all was well and nothing to be concerned about but what a scare for us all.
Paid a visit to my husband's first wife's grave this afternoon and took some nice new silk flowers as fresh ones barely last a day at this time of year...so many of the graves seem a bit abandoned which is really sad. I spotted these yellow silk poppies just lying tipped over near to an old grave, they have obviously been there a very long time....it seems very sad that eventually there's no-one to tend these graves....forgot to take a photo of the flowers we put down, maybe next time!
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