Compost bin array completed

Entertaining was the order of the day today. Our friend from Hampshire came over for a flying visit with her dog Maisie. A most enjoyable day mostly spent eating, talking and walking.

We were hoping to go out to Chilham in the afternoon for a walk along the Stour Valley, but a later lunch and ultimately cloudy skies put paid to that and we had to content ourselves with a stroll past the allotment, Mallards Lake and into Mote Park. Finally, the 5 bins that make up our allotment compost system are finished and doing their job. No more scouring the countryside for errant pallets for the time being at least.

By which time, 5.5 miles later with one very happy dog, we repaired home for teacakes and tea followed by chilli and jackets with steamed syrup sponge to follow before Rosemary turned out for the journey back to Hampshire.

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